It seems like it's the easiest thing in the entire world to buy a general gift, right? Girls all like the same thing. Until you actually go out and have all sorts of self-doubts about everything you pick up. I feel like I go through this every year. I exchange gifts with a lot of people at work; three of whom I'm incredibly close with and two of whom I'm not terribly close with, but we work on the same team so we all exchange gifts. I always have trouble shopping for those two.
This year I decided to go for a relaxing theme. I like to theme their gifts since it seems like it's a lot easier to get the gift together. One thing that is a little difficult is trying to find scents that are general enough for anyone to like. I figured with a sugar cookie or a vanilla candle is something that everyone loves. Who doesn't want their home smelling like baked goods?
I also love buying sets. It takes all of the guesswork out of find cohesive gifts, and if it's a big enough set you can divide things into several different gifts! Here's to being thrifty! I bought the EOS set, which includes a lip balm, a body lotion and a hand lotion. The set comes in three different scents to chose from so it should fit everyone's taste.
I also picked up this Que Bella sheet mask set, which came with 6 masks. Absolutely perfect for splitting!
To put it all in, I got this really cute wool-looking basket from the Dollar Spot at Target! So, after all was said and done, I got all of this for around $25! Not too shabby! And I think it's a nice little reminder to take a step back and take care of yourself, especially around the holidays. Everything gets so overwhelming and when you get a gift of body care stuff, it's the perfect excuse to sit down and relax.
Do you have any go-to gifts for the ladies in your life? Let us in on your secrets below!
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